What Can Reiki Do?
Clients have experienced some of the following benefits:
•    More creative
•    More balanced
•    Less emotional
•    Less stressed
•    More confident in what you’re feeling
•    More relaxed
•    More vitality
•    More awareness
•    Less or no pain
•    Ability to fall asleep quicker

What Happens During a Session?

The client, fully clothed, lies on the treatment table. The practitioner’s hands remain in a stationary position, gently on or slightly above the body through several positions from head to toe. Some practitioners do not use the prescribed hand positions, preferring to use a more intuitive approach. The private areas are worked on 4-6” above the body. There is no manipulation of the skin or tissue. Reiki is not massage.

Many individuals report feeling cold, pulsating heat, or a tingling sensation during a session, and most enter a calm, relaxed state. In some, chronic or acute pain can diminish or completely vanish. Sometimes allergies and other infirmities completely disappear. It’s different for each person.

It’s important to remember that, whatever is troubling us, ‘we didn’t get this way overnight’ and we won’t ‘recover overnight’, either. Reiki is not any more magical than any other modality or allopathic medicine. Healing takes commitment and it takes time… one moment at a time.

What happens after a treatment?

Directly after a Reiki session, you should allow yourself time to come fully back into your awareness. You may feel so relaxed that you are spaced-out. It is suggested to sit for 15 minutes and sip a cool glass of purified water. Becoming in touch with the soles of your feet and their placement on the floor also helps a great deal.

Over the next little while, you may notice that you are de-toxifying the waste that has built up in your system. You may want to allow more time in the ‘little room’ (the washroom) in the morning. You should increase your water and/or herbal tea intake so that the toxins are flushed out more readily. You may want to rest more, so allow time for that.

Most people feel an immediate improvement in their level of pain. Energy and alertness increase daily and a feeling of overall well being may be noticed.

How Many Sessions Do You Need?
To begin with, three or four sessions over ten to fourteen days are recommended to remove entrenched blocks in your energy system; then once a week or once every two weeks until the issue has resolved. You will begin to notice some improvement after the first session. Long-standing health issues are usually cleared up in five to six visits. Dis-ease generally begins in the energy field so if we keep our subtle bodies healthy using Reiki, and our physical bodies healthy with good nutrition and exercise, we should be able to remain active and whole.

Can Reiki cause harm?

No. Reiki is light, power and love at its purest state. It is guided by “god-consciousness”, not a religious god but the idea of everything in the universe being connected as one, which is intrinsically always good.

Does a Reiki treatment negate the need for a medical doctor, psychologist or use of drugs?

No. Reiki works in conjunction with regular medical or psychological treatment. If one has a medical or psychological condition, it is recommended that one see a licensed health care professional in addition to receiving Reiki treatments. Reiki energy works in harmony with all other forms of healing, including drugs, surgery, psychological care or any other method of alternative care and will improve the results.

(main source: Canadian Reiki Association)